Peter J. RossKornberg School of DentistryPediatric DentistryAdjunct Clinical Assistant ProfessorEmail Peter J. RossExpand
Donna RounsavilleKornberg School of DentistryFaculty Dental PracticeInstructorEmail Donna RounsavilleOffice Location 3223 North Broad StreetPhone 215-707-3814Expand
Loretta R. RyanKornberg School of DentistryDepartment of Oral Health SciencesAdjunct InstructorEmail Loretta R. RyanExpand
Farshid SanaviKornberg School of DentistryDepartment of Periodontology and Oral ImplantologyAdjunct Clinical ProfessorEmail Farshid SanaviExpand
Ronaldo SantanaKornberg School of DentistryDepartment of Periodontology and Oral ImplantologyProfessor Clinician ScholarEmail Ronaldo SantanaPhone 215-707-2535Expand
Marlene Sardina-KellyKornberg School of DentistryRestorative DentistryAdjunct Clinical InstructorEmail Marlene Sardina-KellyExpand
Ahmed SarhanKornberg School of DentistryDepartment of EndodontologyAssistant Professor Clinical ScholarEmail Ahmed SarhanExpand
Jacqueline D. SautterKornberg School of DentistryOral Microbiology Testing Service LaboratoryLaboratory TechnicianEmail Jacqueline D. SautterPhone 215-707-4237ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Margot SavoyKornberg School of DentistryDepartment of Oral Health SciencesAdjunct Associate ProfessorEmail Margot SavoyExpand
Ronald A. SchwartzKornberg School of DentistryRestorative DentistryAdjunct Clinical InstructorEmail Ronald A. SchwartzExpand
James J. ScioteKornberg School of DentistryCraniofacial Biology Research LaboratoryDirectorDepartment of OrthodonticsProfessorEmail James J. ScioteOffice Location 3223 N. Broad St.Phone 215-707-4620ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Aaron SegalKornberg School of DentistryRestorative DentistryAssociate ProfessorEmail Aaron SegalOffice Location Kornberg School of DentistryPhone 215-707-7738ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Reem S. ShafiKornberg School of DentistryDepartment of Oral Health SciencesAdjunct Assistant ProfessorEmail Reem S. ShafiExpand
Sheelpa ShahKornberg School of DentistryRestorative DentistryAssistant ProfessorEmail Sheelpa ShahOffice Location 3223 N Broad StreetPhone 215-707-2900ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Kaushik H. SharmaKornberg School of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Medicine and SurgeryAdjunct Clinical InstructorEmail Kaushik H. SharmaExpand
Frederic H. SiegalKornberg School of DentistryDepartment of EndodontologyAdjunct Dental FacultyEmail Frederic H. SiegalExpand
Christopher SinghKornberg School of DentistryOral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Medicine and SurgeryAssociate ProfessorEmail Christopher SinghExpand
Shari J. SklarKornberg School of DentistryRestorative DentistryAssistant ProfessorEmail Shari J. SklarOffice Location 3223 N. Broad St.Phone 215-707-1487ExpandView ProfileCopy Link
Harold SlutskyKornberg School of DentistryDepartment of OrthodonticsAdjunct Associate ProfessorEmail Harold SlutskyExpand
Chris K. SmedleyKornberg School of DentistryDepartment of OrthodonticsAdjunct Clinical Assistant ProfessorEmail Chris K. SmedleyExpand
Larry C. SmedleyKornberg School of DentistryDepartment of OrthodonticsAdjunct Clinical Assistant ProfessorEmail Larry C. SmedleyExpand
Mark SnyderKornberg School of DentistryDepartment of Oral Health SciencesAssistant ProfessorAcademic AffairsDirector of Outcomes Assessment and AccreditationEmail Mark SnyderPhone 215-926-2211ExpandView ProfileCopy Link