Woman blocking ears while man snoring on bed
Photo credit: WavebreakMediaMicro - stock.adobe.com

Sleep Better. Feel Better

Sleeping disorders are:

  • Snoring
  • Difficulty breathing during sleep
  • Stopping of breathing during sleep
  • Sleeping during work or daily activities

Sleep disorders may indicate more serious contitions such as:

  • Hypertension
  • Hearth disease
  • Stroke

Sleep disorders can cuase:

  • memory problems and difficulty concentrating
  • Excesive daytime sleepness
  • Depression and Irritability
  • Drooling during sleep
  • Dry mouth
  • High risk of machinery/moter vehicale accidents

A custom-fitted sleep apnea appliance can provide relief

  • Fabricated for each patient to fit after a sleep study and trial of CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine
  • Temple University Dental Clinics manage all aspects of sleep disorder care from referral to a trusted sleep clinic to fabrication of a dental appliance designed to fit you.

We can help you sleep better at night

Call 215-707-2200 now to schedule your appointment with a member of our sleep disorder dentist-prosthodontists at Temple Dental Clinics.

Dr. Aaron Segal | asegal@temple.edu

Dr. Louis DiPede | louis.dipede@temple.edu

Dr. Nupur Patel | nupur.patel@temple.edu